Kadarka enchanted List, “made drunk” Schubert

Franz Liszt adored it, so much so that for years he sent it to his contemporary Pope Pius IX. to honor him, and Franz Schubert was so "drunk" that she was supposed to be the inspiration for the great composition "Trout Quintet."
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In the 18th and 19th centuries, this beautiful Pannonian wine, Kadarka, produced in Hungary, Romania, and Vojvodina, Slavonia, and Baranja, was top-rated and sought after in Central Europe. The quality of its taste was never questioned by anyone, but in the second half of the last century, it was judged by its fragile structure and great susceptibility to diseases, which led to its easy but sure extinction in the then Yugoslav part of the Pannonian plain. On the other hand, Hungarians and Romanians never gave up on it, but their manufactories still failed to produce top-quality wine.

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