A shot from the tables of the two popes presented in the Kornat restaurant

By its long-standing tradition of presenting and offering its guests wine pearls from various parts of Croatia and beyond, with the endless wine list mostly filled with wines from the Zadar region, the Kornat restaurant last weekend presented Kadarka, more or less unknown in Dalmatia. Wine variety.
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This top-quality, exciting wine arrived from Vojvodina, from the property of the Croatian Tonković family in Bačka vineyards, part of the Subotica-Horgoška sandstone. There, more than 15 years ago, that family planted 7.5 ha of vineyards with a single variety – kadarka, a type of grape that has a long history in the Pannonian prairie and which suddenly disappeared from that area at the beginning of the last century because it was replaced by another, more resistant varieties. Originally, Kadarka arrived there from Skadar Lake in the 17th century.

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