Kadarka sent to the Pope again

We renewed the tradition of sending the kadarka to the Pope in 2009 when we sent it to Pope Benedict XVI with the Bishops of Szeged, Subotica, Zrenjanin, and Timisoara.
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Here at the Tonković Winery, we’ve dedicated two wines, Fantazija and Rapsodija, to the composer Franz Liszt. Not just because we like his music, but also because Liszt liked kadarka.

During the years he spent in Rome, he regularly brought Bačka wines to his friend and patron, Pope Pius IX. We revived this Liszt tradition in 2009, when we sent kadarka wine consecrated in Szeged with the participation of bishops of Szeged, Subotica, Zrenjanin and Timisoara to Pope Benedict XVI. Since then, the wine has been sent to the Roman Pope every two years.

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